Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Breaking News: Hashley in Hackney

The LRB has taken part in the very first Hackney Podcast.

Little Georgia is one of the legendary cafes that fell foul of the Broadway Market development scandal. Hashley Brown pays a visit to their new-ish premises with the presenter Francesca Panetta. Inspired by Des Ayuno's approving verdict, he tries out the Full Georgian.

But what did he think of the beans? And how does it all compare with the Georgian Democratic Republic of 1917? Find out at www.hackneypodcast.co.uk

As we've a fair few Hackney-residing contributors, perhaps they will ask us back for future editions too.

Apologies to readers from Wandsworth, Southwark, Brent, Ghana, etc.


Anonymous said...

Can't we pretend that the interviewer was called Francesca Pancetta?

Anonymous said...

This is a great blog-- thanks for writing it. I'm obsessed with food and I've been trying to write more about London restaurants on my own blog http://backwardscity.blogspot.com/ Let me know what you think.